It's bound to happen |
Luckily before I left I bought a converter and adapter so that I could plug in all of my necessary appliances. They don't seem to be working how I imagined they would though. I was trying to dry my hair the other day and even with everything plugged in correctly, I could smell fire and some of the wires in my dryer were turning bright red...I turned down the power and kept going with it once the smell lessened but then it just shut off. I thought I had blown something so yesterday when I had to get ready for a dinner party I stood outside for awhile (it was SUPER windy) and tried to go about drying my hair the natural way, I'm in the country and all I figured. Then it started to rain and I was just going backwards with the drying process. I decided to give the dryer a shot once more and it worked! No burning smell or anything, thank you lord! So then for the straightener...this has me more worried than the dryer. As soon as I turn it on, it sounds like it's sizzling. I always think I'm going to get some huge electric shock sent through my body when I plug it in or pick it up. I'm thinking about going hippie style and using nothing anymore. I don't want to die by hair appliance.
Good ol' America |
So this dinner party I was getting ready for...oh boy was it interesting. There were 3 married couples, this crazy scary woman (I will get back to her) and myself. First, Phillipe tries to make me scoot over on this little chair so one of the married men can have room to sit. I awkwardly move, but then I see the wife shooting some dirty ass looks and I scoot back to the middle where I was. So, off to a good start already. Now, almost everyone spoke a little English, so everyone gave a try at talking to me. This crazy scary woman tried to give me a "French lesson," (she wasn't fond of me not being able to hold a French conversation), however, this "lesson" was me trying to make sense of her terrible English through her drunken slurs and thick accent. I was totally pissing her off that I couldn't make sense of what the hell she was trying to say. Someone else was nice enough to clarify after I sat with a blank stare for about ten minutes. I just wanted her to stop talking and let me sit with my glass of champagne. I found her to be crazy scary because first, she seemed angry at me all the time, second, she stared at me WAY too much and most importantly, she looked straight out of "Hocus Pocus." Her shoulder length gray hair was all over the place and her nose looked like something I could have picked up at a costume store. Oh yes, and the cat of the house loved her and sat in her lap most of the night...too bad it wasn't a black cat. I just chugged my champagne and tried to zone out for awhile and pictured this lady with a broom and black pointy hat. Then, dinner time. Somehow I ended up at the guys end of the table, which worked out well for me. The men were way less critical of my lack of knowledge of the French language. They appreciated my love of drinking, played me "Hotel California," talked about riding motorcycles down the coast and gave me their best American impersonations. John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Harrison Ford were all referenced. The French definitely think we sound like some inbred, redneck truckers. It was entertaining at least. As two o'clock rolled around, I had nearly fallen asleep on the table a good ten times. Along with the combination of champagne, white wine and red wine, the wine coma was setting in, yet again. It takes a surprisingly large amount of effort to seem entertained by a conversation almost entirely in a foreign language. I think everyone noticed that I was slowly passing out on my plate so we called it a night. I hope I didn't make too terrible of a first impression, ugh.
Exactly how I looked |
PS - Please note the new Mr. T quotes to the right. There will be a new one every day! There is also a monkey at the bottom to give you things to ponder.
Bridgette and Phillipe might not think much of Americans if you blow out the electricity! I'm for putting your hair in a bun and calling it good. I'm surprised that you didn't say anything about the food at the party?