It's St. Patrick's Day...We WILL Find Whiskey
A couple of days ago it was St. Patrick's Day, as you all know, so I was far too busy sitting on my ass drinking to send out an update, as I was the next day as well and most of yesterday while I’m on the topic... But back to St. Patty’s day, so in France people take the middle of the day off for napping, so it was not easy to find a bar in the early afternoon. We found one though after a couple tries and got our whiskey to celebrate (me and Andrew that is), homegirl (the Chinese aussie) didn't even want water. She just watched the tv and and laughed at a toothpaste ad....ya, she lives a thrilling life. I’m pretty sure she is certain that Andrew and I are headed straight to hell, not that either of us are concerned. But, since I was driving we didn't stay too long because that meant I couldn't pound any beers. We did find some boxed wine and some Killians, so we just set up our own bar back at the house. We celebrated the shit out of St. Patty's Day and my head was pounding in the morning (the sign of a good night). We got up early to go to the city the next day though and the highlight of the day was the feast that Andrew and I had ourselves. Again, the girl is a vegetarian and no fun, so she wandered by herself while we ate for 2 straight hours. The first course was foie gras and it was like butter. I don’t think we said a word while we were eating it because all we could do was savor. Then there was salmon lox (amazing), then a beef dish, medium rare with potatoes (heaven) and we ended with another type of fish (awesome) and of course the meal came with wine too. I don’t think I have ever had a better meal in my life. The rest of the day was spent with me and Andrew moving from one bar to the next, enjoying the weather and drinking more. Every time we put our stuff down this girl got all ADD and had to leave on her own. If anyone needs a few drinks and the stick out of her ass, it’s definitely her.
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