Okay, so I am alive. I got back from Geneva, worked a few days and headed right back off again to the south of France. I'm an asshole, I know. Anyway, first thing is first....the Russian guy. He has a name but I just call him Porn Stache Guy. He speaks extremely little English so I can say this all I want without him knowing. He arrived about a couple weeks ago and seemed friendly enough, but my creepdar went raging wild when I met him also. I figured it was nothing and went about my business being nice. That was a mistake. I started seeing him looking out windows in my direction and once he realized I was staring back at him he would either dart away, wave or give a thumbs up. I think the thumbs up was the weirdest for sure. Anyway, I got over it. Maybe he was looking at something else. Then, I'm out weeding in the yard...I see him, with hand on his cheek, head tilted to the side, looking in my direction. Oye vey! This gets worse every day. Then, he manages to ask me my name. I realize now I should have said Winston Churchill or Paris Hilton. Anything besides my real name. Because now, he sees me and says my name like 5 times and it would be way more entertaining to hear him call me something else and I would order him to say the first and last name. I always have good ideas after the fact. The worst was right before we left for the south of France....I am sitting alone at the table and he looks at me and says "I love you." I think to myself, wait a minute, that can't be right. I say, WHAT?" And he says it again. It goes like this about 5 times because I could not believe my ears. He then asks if I am from America and when I say "yes," he makes motions and says a few words about him coming to America and then holds him arm out like we are arm in arm and walking. My first assumption is that he wants his green card and wants to get married to an American girl. Again, I realize later that I should have punched him in his 13 year old style mustache and kicked him in the dick. That would have made my point VERY clear. Needless to say, I locked my bedroom door before heading south to keep my shit locked up. Now that I'm back, I am pretty much a bitch and I pretend like he doesn't exist. It seems to be working. I alerted everyone that if I scream in the middle of the night, to grab sharp/blunt objects and come running.